Appel du 6 janvier 2021-Version ANGLAISE

On this January 6, 2021, we are passing through one of the most alarming days in the history of the Armenian people. Even before the catastrophic end of the war in Artsakh came to undermine the hopes of the last thirty years of independence, the changes in the political context in France, in Armenia/Artsakh and in Turkey/Azerbaijan had already highlighted the need to strengthen and improve the structuring of the Armenian diaspora in France and to increase its efficiency. The dramatic consequences of the conflict that we have just experienced call for the diagnosis to be sped up in order to quickly implement the essential decisions to give the Armenian diaspora in France a new momentum.....



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"Missak Manouchian, apatride, internationaliste et patriote" le 26 février 2024 à Nice à 18h00 au Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen

Le Conseil Français-Arméniens a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence intitulée "Missak Manouchian, apatride, internationaliste et patriote" le 26 février 2024 à Nice au Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen. 


"Missak Manouchian, apatride, internationaliste et patriote" le 24 janvier 2024, Lyon, ArmAcademia conférence

"Missak Manouchian, apatride, internationaliste et patriote" le 24 janvier 2024, Lyon, ArmAcademia conférence
